Book me to keynote your event, lead a workshop, appear on your radio, podcast, or television show, conduct a rousing session, appear in the media as a cohost, or guest lecture at your university. Email Leslie Poston directly for available dates and fee scale.

Where you may have seen me (on and off the internet):

Guest on The ADHD Skills Lab podcast, July 2024

Article in Forbes: “The Power of Empathy: Leveraging Emotional Intelligence for More Effective Marketing Campaigns” June 2024

Quoted in Forbes “14 Tips for Keeping Up with Regular SEO and Algorithm Changes” June 2024

Article in Forbes: “Decoding Social Proof in Consumer Psychology” May 2024

Quoted in Forbes “16 Ways to Ensure Your Internal Comms are Being Heard” May 2024

Started new podcast to be a home for my applied psychology, organizational psychology, and media psychology work: PsyberSpace April 2024

Quoted in Forbes “16 Steps Marketers Can Take to Genuinely Engage with Gen Z” April 2024

Quoted in Forbes “14 Ways comms Teams Can Use Data to Improve Their Storytelling” April 2024

Quoted in Forbes “15 Performance Marketing Insights to Pay Attention to in 2024” March 2024

Article in Forbes “Psychological Principles in AI-Augmented Marketing” March 2024

Quoted in Forbes “10 KPIs vital for Assessing the Impact of Corporate Communications” March 2024

Article in Forbes “The Influence of Media Psychology on Advertising” February 2024

Quoted in Forbes “Should Your Company Weigh in on Controversial Events? 13 Ways to Decide.” February 2024

Quoted in Forbes “14 Ways Tech Marketers Can Demonstrate Their Value to Other Departments” February 2024

Quoted in Forbes “13 Ways to Transform Your Go-To-Market Strategy for Short- and Long-Term Gains” February 2024

Wrote Article for Forbes “How to Find Ethical Balance in B2B Marketing Psychology” January 2024

Quoted in Forbes “13 Tips for Responding to Negative Feedback on Social Media” December 2023

Quoted in Forbes “14 Big Challenges in Implementing an Effective Executive Comms Strategy” April 2023

Quoted in Forbes “15 Ways to Leverage Nontraditional Media Channels for Brand-Building” March 2023

Quoted in Forbes “How Leaders of SMBs Can Encourage the Adoption of New Organizational Values” February 2023

Quoted in Forbes “15 Social Media Trends Smart Marketers Will Leverage in 2023” January 2023

Quoted in Forbes “14 Tactics to Avoid When Writing End-of-Year Sales Copy” January 2023

Quoted in Forbes “15 KPIs to Include in Every End-of-Year Marketing Report” December 2022

Quoted in Forbes “11 Tips Companies Can Use to Distribute Content for Consumers” September 2022

Quoted in SFL “Four ways leaders can harness the Gen-Z talent entering logistics” June 2022

Quoted in Forbes “16 Soft Skills Every Professional Communicator Must Master” May 2022

Spoke at Marketing Profs B2B Forum 2022: “How to Market Without the Crutch of Social Media” April 2022

Quoted in Forbes “The Best Ways to Report Marketing Results to Senior Executives” March 2022

Quoted in Forbes “14 Ways to Measure the Impact of a Company’s Crisis Response” August 2021

Quoted in Forbes “10 Ways to Wrap Up a Seemingly Endless Virtual Meeting” June 2021

Quoted in Forbes “14 Ways to Encourage All Team Members to Share Creative Campaign Ideas” May 2021

Quoted in Forbes “12 Tips to Help Marketers Connect with Generation Z” April 2021

Featured in LinkedIn Business Case Study for my work with ABM while at Noodle AI

2019 guest on Sprinklr Coffee Club with Marshall Kirkpatrick, VP at Sprinklr

Quoted in post on how to hire a digital marketer or marketing agency by Mesh Agency in September 2016

LinkedIn named Leslie Poston as one of 30 sophisticated marketing thought leaders to follow in its 2015 Sophisticated Marketing Thought Leadership guide.

SEO Copywriting magazine article “Reconciling two vastly different content types: mobile and long form” in April 2014

SEO Copywriting magazine article “Content and SEO tips for 2014” in January 2014

Search Engine Journal article “Increasing audience engagement, Google+ vs Pinterest” in December 2013

Cited in article “10 Questions to ask when measuring your social media ROI” in November 2013

SEO Copywriting magazine article “5 simple steps to sourcing SEO copywriting services” in November 2013

Listed in the Content Marketing Top 50 in 2013 by eContent Magazine

Leslie Poston was referenced for her knowledge of social media engagement in Aliza Sherman’s book Social Media Engagement for Dummies, published in June 2013

May 2013 Article on “The Age of the Digital Wallet” in Business NH Magazine

Panelist: Social Media Week New York at IAB Labs Author Panel February 2013

Leslie Poston’s book Social Media Metrics for Dummies was referenced in Marsha Collier’s book Social Media Commerce For Dummies, published in December 2012

Contributor to white paper on content marketing (Kickstart Your Content Marketing: A Seven Step Approach to Delivering Success) with folks like Jason Falls, Mike Lewis, Taulbee Jackson, and more (September 2012)

Quoted in BostInno August 2012

Breakthrough Business Radio appearance July 2012

July 2012 appearance on Seacoast Business Connection Radio show on WCAS FM

Nice wrap up of the Next Generation CRM panel I was on with Mike Lewis, Paul Gillin and Taulbee Jackson.

Mike Lewis of Awareness Networks writes about my metrics tips in Business2Communityand Social Media Today, July 2012.

Nice May 2012 write up by Mike Lewis from Awareness that you can read on theSocialnomics site and a few other places.

Quoted in Patch article about Portsmouth being a social media mecca

Nice mention for my talk on Google Plus for Music at Music 2.0 in March 2012

Mention in this op-ed by John Cass on State Agency social media accounts and jobs in Boston, March 2012

Partnering with WMUR Channel 9 in the month of February 2012 for four Tech Talkmornings

January 2012 Content Marketing Institute names Leslie one of the 20 Women Who Rock Content Marketing

October 2011 radio appearance on Seacoast Business Connection WSCA FM 106.1

The Laconia Daily Sun on the October 2011 Facebook workshop Leslie is doing at Plymouth State University

Author of the Grande Guide to Social Advertising, a part of the Eloqua Grande Guide series, August 2011.

Grande Guide to Social Advertising gets a mention in the B2B Marketing Social Media News in August 2011.

Contributor to The Social Media ProBook sponsored by Eloqua and Jess3 (along with 19 other social media pros like David Armano, Scott Monty, Jeremiah Owyang and more)

Appeared on the Online Marketing with RSSRay show in July 2011 (Listen on the RSSRay site to Part One and Part Two) (Listen on iTunes)

Appeared on the Open Mike Show in June 2011 on WTSN 1270 AM

Mentioned on FlipTop Blog in July 2011

Spoke at Book Expo America 2011 on Twitter Fundamentals for Book Professionals (happy attendee)

Nice mention in the April 14, 2011 issue of The Portsmouth Herald for my speaking engagement on Foursquare Day.

April 2011, Article on Social Media for Business (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) in Business NH Magazine (link) (link to scanned pages)

March 2011 article for Media Bullseye on QR Codes

Five Questions for Leslie Poston, Geek Force Five, February 2011

Savvy Shopping spot (article) taped for WMUR Channel 9, set to air December 20, 21, 22 2010 throughout NH (video)

NH Film Festival Panel News 2010

I also write fiction (in case you didn’t know) and have a steampunk speculative fiction playhitting the airwaves soon.

Write up of Twitter chat with Leslie for #custcontent over on Pace Communications blog.

Fun mention of Uptown Uncorked as a “best of NH blog” over at Altos Marketing, July 2010, complete with some great critique we’ll be taking into account in our redesign this Fall.

Interviewed for the Boston Globe as part of an article on colleague Chris Brogan in June 2010

Mentioned in article on the art of publicity (Spanish)

Filmmakers Get Social 2010 write up

On the radio in Nashua, NH talking adaptive media for business. I appear at about 16:50.

WMUR has me as part of their weekly segment on social media in May 2010. Part one is on Facebook phobia. Part two is on Skype. Part three is on geolocation applications like Foursquare. Part four is on e-readers like the Kindle.

Quoted in Advertising Age on April 28, 2010

Digital Music Trends podcast review of my Midem 2010 presentation on Twitter for Music.

From Le Monde au Midem, McClure’s Asia Music News and NewMusic Russia re: my Twitter for Music presentation at MIDEM 2010.

Speaker Roster for MIDEM 2010 in Cannes France

Thoughts from The Non-Profit Toolbox on my Twitter handle change

Interviewed for WMUR September 2009

Chris Brogan on Twitter for Dummies (and five companion books)

Chris Abraham reviews Twitter for Dummies

Coverage on Perkett PR “Perkett PRsuasion” September 2009 reviewing my PodCamp Boston 4 (2009) presentation on ROI in social media

Interview with WMUR – Airdate September 2009

Article in NH Magazine called TweetSMART, September 2009 Issue

Appearance on The Brand New TV Show out of Portland, ME

Radio interview of Leslie with Byron White and Amanda Smyth of LifeTips.

Response to Twitter for Dummies being released.

Response to Leslie’s June 2009 Manchester Chamber of Commerce presentation fromManchester’s Librarians.

Nashua Telegraph write up of Leslie’s May 2009 Chamber of Commerce presentation.

Response to Leslie’s March 2009 Social Media Breakfast NH from Custom Scoop,Perkett PR and The Ah-Ha! Blog.

Response to Leslie at Jeff Pulver’s Social Media Jungle March 2009 from Jeff Glasson at Perkett PR and Doug Haslam from Shift.

Response to Leslie’s Feb 2009 Social Media Breakfast NH (the launch) from Beyond the Biz.

Interview by Leslie with Aaron Strout of Powered, (formerly of Mzinga) for Citizen Marketer 2.1 for his “45 in 45″ Experts in the Industry series.

Interview by Leslie with Perkett PR for their “Journalists Are People, Too” series.

Interview by Leslie with Geek Force Five (audio)

Response to the 10/23 presentation by Leslie on Managing Work Flow in Social Media to North Shore Web Geeks

Leslie’s article on Plaid Nation made it into the Fall 2008 print edition of Media Bullseye Magazine, published by Custom Scoop