Tips for Social Media Metrics from Leslie Poston

Wrap Post: From Dummy to Genius Metrics Webinar with Awareness

Seminar on Metrics for Awareness

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I had the pleasure of presenting a webinar on social media metrics for a group of people* via the Awareness Inc. webinar series this week. This is the second webinar I’ve done with Awareness and I enjoy it every time. The people who sign up are always engaged and ask fantastic questions.  I know there is a recording on Awareness, and you can grab it here.

I was asked to create a list of the tools I mentioned. I only touched the tip of the iceberg with tools listed and the potential of metrics in the webinar. An hour is so short when you’re discussing such an important and comprehensive topic! (By the way, Walter Schärer attended from pretty far away and took some fairly good notes, linked here for your reference. If you also took notes, let me know and I’ll link to your post.) Regarding tools, there are many, many more tools in the book, and instruction on how to create many of the metrics we discussed (available here), but here are those tools I was able to mention this week for you:

1) For more information on the reverse tracking of the metrics of Occupy Movement sites that I mentioned to illustrate my point that metrics is a two-way street, I refer you to Tim Lebert’s post detailing his findings

2) Awareness, Inc’s Hub

3) Google Analytics

4) KISSMetrics

5) Ripples (Google Plus)

6) SocialStatistics (Google Plus)

7) (Twitter, etc – URL shortener with stats)

8 ) (Twitter, etc – URL shortener with stats)

9) HootSuite (see above)

10) TweetReach (Twitter)

11) Page Lever  (Facebook)

12) Edgerank Checker (Facebook)

13) TubeMogul (Youtube – uploader with stats – now called OneLoad)

14) PinReach (Pinterest)

15) Pintics (Pinterest)

16) Pinerly (Pinterest)

17) Pinpuff (Pinterest)

18) MailChimp (Email)

19) Constant Contact (Email)

20) WhatCounts (Email)

21) Localytics (Mobile)

22) Google Alerts (Competitive Intelligence)

23) Search Alerts for Ebay (Competitive Intelligence)

24) Advanced Twitter Search (Competitive Intelligence)

25) Slick RSS (Competitive Intelligence – any RSS reader will do, pick your favorite)

26) ChangeDetection (Competitive Intelligence)

27) HowSociable (Competitive Intelligence)

28) SocialMention (Competitive Intelligence)

29) Majestic SEO (Competitive Intelligence)

30) SEO for Chrome (Competitive Intelligence)

31) W3 Patrol (Competitive Intelligence)

32) W3 Techs (Competitive Intelligence)

33) Regular Expression Checker (Competitive Intelligence)

34) GA Data Grabber from MTAnalytics

35) Christopher Penn (Great source of actionable info)

36) Avinash Kausik (Great source of info)

37) Radian6 (Metrics + Sentiment)

38) Custom Scoop (Metrics + Sentiment)

39) Quantified Self Movement (Metrics Outside of the Box)

40) Nicholas Felton (QS Example)

41) Fitbit (the device I use to track exercise, sleep, etc)

*And by “group of people” I mean well over 1000 signed up. Thank you so much, that was an honor.

I use Creative Commons Search to find awesome, available for use images for my slide shows. Credit for the images that made this slide show more awesome go to:

Marc_Smith, Adbusters, Seattle Municipal Archives, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Search Engine People, craigCloutier, Anonymous9000, klipfolio, mtanalytics, stockerre, filmnoir 1, Nicholas Felton

4 Responses

  1. Thanks for posting Leslie I kept losing audio during the original broadcast
